Tuesday May 18, 2021
AG Podcast E29: Undone and Redone by God - Excerpts of an Interview with Traylor Lovvorn of Undone Redone Podcast
AG Podcast E29: Undone and Redone by God - Excerpts of an Interview with Traylor Lovvorn of Undone Redone Podcast
For Kevin, there are two halves of his life, the before forgiveness and the after forgiveness. In his younger years, he was in a bondage to the fear of failure, was insecure and hurt. God allowed a very modern day conflict to come into a crisis that then forced him to deal with wounds from his past. And it wasn't until that conflict that he really began to understand that the stronghold of rejection had been there the whole time.
Listen how God did the undoing in order to redo him.
In this episode:
- At 17, began his transformation from the inside out
- Pursued the good things of God, but wasn't really pursuing his presence
- Conflict with the church leaders
- fired as Pastor
- Felt so betrayed by God and by the people that he had been serving
- Went to a workshop on biblical forgiveness
- His realizations
- The power of forgiveness
Listen to the full episode on Traylor Lovvorn’s podcast
Check out some heartwarming stories at Generosity of God and share your story.
Check out Pastor Kevin’s other podcasts Missions Changed My Life and Living The Dream Podcast
Subscribe to a one-minute motivation series called Generously Blessed
About Audacious Generosity
The Audacious Generosity Podcast is a weekly podcast with Kevin White. Each episode empowers listeners world-wide to let God live and give through them. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.
About Kevin White
Kevin White is a Christian pastor, international speaker, and an international best-selling author. As a writer, Kevin's newest book, Audacious Generosity, is a best new Christian Book of 2020. Audacious Generosity was an instant international best seller in India and the United States of America. Audacious Generosity is the New Book to Read in 2021. Look for it among Christianity books on Amazon and everywhere books are sold. Kevin's why for life is to extend access to Jesus to all people world-wide. Kevin loves to motivate people how to encounter the presence of God in their everyday life.
As a seasoned entrepreneur, Kevin has started and helped start hundreds of businesses, churches, and nonprofit organizations. Kevin is an expert in church leadership and business development. Kevin's shepherd's heart can be seen in his speaking and writing. He integrates Biblical principles and worship into everything he does. Kevin's strategy is to help people transform into the likeness of Jesus. Find more from Kevin White including his blog, podcast shows, YouTube Channel, and Generously Blessed 1MM One Minute Motivational Series at https://kevinwhite.us
Website: kevinwhite.us
Instagram: @kevinwhiteus
Facebook: @kevinwhite.usa
Twitter: @kevinwhiteus
LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteus
Email Kevin
Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India
About Global Hope India
Kevin White is the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India, a Christian mission organization focused on sharing the gospel in India and among Indian Nationals world-wide. We facilitate virtual mission teams to India and short-term mission teams in-person in India. These teams empower the church in India with pastoral training, youth pastor training, children's ministry, church planting strategy, church planting ministry, and medical missions.
Global Hope India is a Christian charity that raises funds for India. 92% of every dollar given benefits gospel outreach projects in India such as church planting, orphan care, clean water projects, bibles, medical clinics, etc. Our partners in India serve the Baptist mission in India, Church of God in India as well as independent Christian churches. We do one thing - advance the gospel in India. We do it in one way - through the local church in India. Join us today by praying for India, giving to God’s work in India and going virtually or in person to make disciples in India. Find out more information at https://globalhopeindia.org
GHI Resources & Contact Info:
Resource Center
GHI Instagram: @globalhopeindia
GHI Twitter: @globalhopeindia