Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Finding Freedom in Christ - Excerpts of an Interview with Rob Lohman for Addiction, Freedom & Faith Podcast
Pastor Kevin and Rob talked about how people found freedom in Christ in this episode. Like Becky who used to be an exotic dancer. She has already gone three times with GHI to India and Pastor Kevin watched her transform. She was a support member and brought great value to the team and a great blessing to the people that she was put in front of but Pastor Kevin saw how she had become a leader by her third trip. Becky understood the women in the red light district and they helped heal each other and give each other hope and understanding. There was also David who struggled with chemical addictions and he went into a rehabilitation program. He came really sober and dry for the first time in his adult life. Within two weeks on a mission trip in a high school, he took courage and made himself vulnerable. He told his story and people resonated with him and this allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to these teenagers and young adults. David found a higher purpose for living and a means to escape and go another year of being sober. He is still doing great today. They both found freedom and peace through Jesus Christ.
The same way can be said to Pastor Kevin during such a painful moment in his life where he has lost his church because he was a workaholic who believed his relationship with God was based on how well he performed in the church. He was bound by anger and pain, by loss and the feeling of simply drifting away, not knowing what to do with his life. It was his wife that helped him start to move again, being understanding and forgiving him. Together they went to a workshop where they presented the seven steps to freedom and the third step was the process of biblical forgiveness. People supported him to biblically forgive people the way God forgave us. To forgive 40 people with the 3 most impactful ones being himself, his father and false expectation. He forgave his father for screaming at him as a small child “you’ll never amount to anything”. He forgave himself for things he felt so guilty and shameful for. He released God from false expectations. After that, it was simply easy to forgive the 37 people in the church that terminated him.
He went into that workshop a pain-stricken hurt angry loss man and came out free because of biblical forgiveness. The bitterness was over and he was finally free to pursue God once more.
Listen to the full interview with Rob Lohman here.
The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.
Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.
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