Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
The Kevin White Show E187: GIFTS
Join Kevin White at 10 am EST every Tuesday for The Kevin White Show, a weekly LIVE broadcast from the USA. Each week, Kevin focuses on one Word from God in order to encourage, strengthen, and comfort a worldwide audience from over 163 different countries.
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In this episode Kevin discussed… GIFTS
1 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT)
“What do you have that God hasn’t GIVEN you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a GIFT?”
India and Nepal
1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NLT)
“God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.”
I’m convinced God took me to India and Nepal to intentionally show me hundreds of millions of dollars of human need. Leaders in India and Nepal were constantly asking me to pray for God’s guidance and provision over insurmountable human needs.
We asked God for miraculous physical healings, land, buildings, church facilities, retreat centers, leadership training facilities, salaries for pastors, transportation for pastors, as well as food for the poor, widows, and lepers. We asked God for education for children, homes for orphans, Bible colleges, seminaries, salaries for faculty, libraries, dorms, auditoriums, water projects, baptistries, books, Bibles, marriages, jobs, income generation projects, and more. Truly, the list was endless.
Any human soul would be totally crushed and devastated if it weren’t for the revelation: The Father’s going to GIVE it!
During that trip, “The Father’s going to GIVE it!” went to “The Father wants to GIVE it!”
As soon as I returned from my trip, God said: “Now, I want you to go write down everything in my Word that I promise to GIVE.”
Many believers have limited knowledge of God's GIFTS, and only a few live in total dependence on them. Unfortunately, this is not commonly taught as it should be. That is, until now!
Romans 8:32 (NLT)
“Since he did not spare even his own Son but GAVE him up for us all, won’t he also GIVE us everything else?”
The world is yet to see what will happen when the people of God, together, all live with confident expectancy that The Father’s going to GIVE it!
We organized all these scriptures into six categories:
During my study I noticed three things:
There are more verses about God GIVING us land than anything else.
The word YOU is included all throughout God’s GIFTS.
The word ASK is also included with God’s GIFTS.
You’ll see this laid out in the chapters of this book:
Chapter 1: Gifts
Chapter 2: You
Chapter 3: Land
Chapter 4: Life
Chapter 5: Family
Chapter 6: Increase
Chapter 7: Empowerment
Chapter 8: Everything
Chapter 9: Ask
Chapter 10: Depend
A true GIFT remains just that – a GIFT.
James 1:17 (NLT)
“Whatever is good and perfect is a GIFT coming down to us from God our Father.”
God’s GIFTS are for YOU.
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————— ABOUT KEVIN—————
KEVIN WHITE is driven by his deep love for Jesus, his wife, children, and grandchildren. He is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Officer of Spirit Media.US and owner of White Enterprise. As a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and conference speaker, he has helped to start hundreds of businesses, churches, and nonprofits around the world. Through his books, live TV show, and conference speaking events Kevin actively equips and empowers leaders around the world to live out God’s Word while purposefully generating Kingdom wealth for Kingdom impact. Learn more at http://kevinwhite.us
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