The Kevin White Show
The Kevin White Show with Kevin White helps you prosper in the presence of God. Each week Kevin and his co-host Dr Jame Jernigan conduct thought provoking discussions about applying God’s Word and hearing and obeying God’s voice. See the show on YouTube or hear the show everywhere podcast are heard. Get ready for prosperity from God for the purposes of God. Be sure to subscribe, like, and comment during the show.
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
David worked with Hunter at St. Ministry in Birmingham for years where they would go ride in a truck to pick up donations together. He became a father figure for Hunter and showed him what a man of Christ is. Hunter's relationship with David is one of discipleship and action. When he and his wife heard God's call for them, they quit their stable job for 10 years and took their three children with them to do what God commanded, placing their faith and trust that God will provide them with whatever they would need. When they got to the seminary, they didn't have a job for a little while but they were lucky enough to have a little bit of savings to help them for the next three months. But the savings didn't last, enough though they had a roof over their heads, they were running out of the finances that they had in the bank.But God did not forget them. One day, David received a knock on their door and a lady was outside, telling him that she wasn't sure why she was here, only that she was sure God told her to come here and give David the trunk full of groceries she had in her car. She didn't know why, all she knew was that God had been guiding her since she was in the grocery store to buy twice than she was supposed to and to give that extra grocery to David and his family.God had answered their prayers in such a wonderful way. They don't know her name nor did she even stay, only giving them the grocery God has guided her to buy before leaving. God gave David and his family more than enough and they know exactly what to do. They are empowered to become generous and to become givers.God empowers generosity all around us and it is that generosity that we give to others. They, in turn, divide that generosity and give that to those around them, creating a cycle of generosity.A culture of generosity.That is what we long for in the church. We long for more people to live with such abandonment and a spirit of generosity because we will never know a more cheerful giver than our Almighty God. As long as we trust and have faith in Him, he will provide for us. And whatever he provides for us, we open our hands and give them to others.That is Audacious Generosity. __________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
First of all, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you calculate everything you use your income to cover (housing utilities, medical, transportation, food, etc). Take your time to cover everything and ask yourself if your current income covers everything. If it doesn’t, start praying specifically for God to cover this just as it is said in Philippians 4:19.And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.If you already have surplus, calculate the amount of surplus you have and we encourage you to honor God with your surplus and watch what He does in and through your life. Determine in advance that you are going to honor God with what He puts into your hands and agree that everything you are and have belongs to God. Open your hands before God.Pray and commit in advance to give away any surplus for the advancement of the gospel and watch what happens.You must decide in your heart how much to give and don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure for God loves a person who gives cheerfully as read in 2 Corinthians 9:7.Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.When we live open handedly taken, these three action steps provide three benefits to you: living generously for God, setting others free to experience God’s unconditional love and acceptance, and giving more of God than you ever thought possible.Now nothing is limited from being the giver and the giving through you. Now God is free. You are free and others are free. Now your motives and intentions align with God’s motives and intentions. Now you can wake up every day looking for ways to be more generous.This is the life God has always wanted for you, the life you have always wanted. __________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
In the last episode, we talked about Application One: Exchange Your Needs for the Needs of Others. In this episode, we will focus on Application Two: Exchange your Values, Motives, and Mission for God's. Before we can exchange them, we must take note of God’s values, motives and mission.While we can think of God’s value for ourselves, here are 12 values we should take note of:God values stewardship
God values first fruits
God values blessing you
God values obedience
God values his why
God values eternal life
God values compassion for those facing crisis eternity
God values the great commission
God values the advancement of the gospel
God values audacious generosity
God values miracles
God values multiplication
__________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
As more believers live out audacious generosity, we can see the great commission fulfilled. Setting others free is the key to living generously and the key to setting others free is inside all of us. Here are three specific applications that will empower you to live generously and set others free.The first of these three specific application is: Change Your Needs for Needs of Others.Be confident that God knows your needs and has committed to supply all your needs. With the confidence that God will meet your needs, you are free to consider the needs of others. This allows you to make the needs of others first and foremost in your life. Let Him exchange the concern for yourself with the concern for others.Once we realize that God has got our back, we are secure and there is an ever-present help in time of need. We know that everyone that calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved. Our needs will be met for God has our backs so we can focus on the needs of others, of those who have not yet heard of the Gospel and do not know that God loves them. We have the opportunity, the choice and the decision to consider the needs of others as more important than our own needs.__________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
“Direction, not intention determines your destination” is one of Pastor Kevin’s favorite quotes is from pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Church in Atlanta Georgia and Pastor Kevin talks about the destination of his book, Audacious Generosity in this episode with the focus on the conclusion.Audacious Generosity concludes in our destination of being empowered for limitless giving audacious generosity by noting the three steps we worked through:First Step: We had to set God free by daily asking God for more and acknowledging that this will take a lifetime of courage and accepting God’s request to take courage.Second Step: We had to set ourselves free by winning three boxing matches that kept us from all generosity (Fear vs. Freedom, Working vs. Resting, and Reprimand vs. Reward).Third Step: We had to set others free by flipping the switch from getting more to giving more, from greed to generosity, and from burden to blessing.Now, we are free to live recklessly for God. We encourage everyone to wake up everyday to become more generous as God gives through you, living recklessly for God. Do not hesitate even if you feel it is absolutely reckless at times, do it anyway. God is so confident of his love and care for you that he will ask you to abandon everything for the sake of the call. Now, you know, this isn't a subtraction from his blessing to you but a multiplication of his blessing through you living recklessly for God empowers you for limitless giving. That is audacious generosity. And remember that God is guiding us toward becoming like Christ.Opening our hands before God is not just some mystical spiritual exercise but a calling that the living God of the universe is inviting us to join him in his work. God is the giver and giving depends upon what God puts into our hands. So there is no need to fear and simply…Open Your Hands. __________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Pastor Kevin had a very turbulent childhood. His parents had a rocky marriage and relationship his entire childhood. It had been so bad that he remembered being relieved when his parents finally divorced, he was simply so glad to know the fighting and all the drama that erupted during every holiday and family vacation will finally be over. But the divorced ripped his family in two and he stayed with his father who was gone all the time. In reality, he had been living alone from the age of 12 to 14. His father would drop him to school, he would ride the bus home and he had to figure out how to cook, clean and put himself to bed all by himself. Two years after the divorce, his mother remarried and her household stabilized. Pastor Kevin would later ask if he could move in with them and it was a positive thing to happen to him, to have a stepfather and a more peaceful home after all those years.Even after having a peaceful home, he still felt very lonely in high school and he truly struggled, not with any detectable depression or anxiety, but just with the sense of feeling lost without any purpose in life, no vision for the future. He ended up going to a gospel meeting when he was 17 years old because a friend of his wanted him to be there. That was the start of the beginning for Pastor Kevin. That single meeting started the change in his life and started going on a weekly basis to that church. He started to ask questions about what he had read in the Bible and the pastor answered his questions, becoming the first form of discipleship in his life. The pastor would help him understand the chapters and, by November of that year, he had began to testify to him. Pastor Kevin kept sensing God saying He’s got a plan for his life and Pastor Kevin continued to where God was guiding him, towards a youth conference after Christmas where talking to the pastor of a small church made him realize that God had been using all of these to prepare him.God had brought him to a palace of conviction and confidence. He was calling him to vocational ministry. After years of not knowing what to do, of not being sure where his life was going to take, he finally understood. He went back to the same school he had been begging his mom to let him drop out of and went into the guidance counselor’s office first thing to say “God has grabbed my life and I’ve committed my life to him.”His life started to change back then. He got the support he needed from this little old guidance counselor lady and became an A student but he never expected anything during the annual award ceremony so it came as a surprise when his name was called out with a $1500 scholarship. His name was called once more for a $3000 scholarship. That little old lady had put Pastor Kevin in for these non-academic scholarships and paid for his first year in college without telling him.Pastor Kevin’s testimony shows how God guides the way and gives to us what we need as long as we open our hands to Him. We might not know what we can receive or what we can give for we are leaving it up to God to provide us with what we will have and share to everyone.__________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Pastor Kevin was raised in a Christian family in rural North Carolina and was called into ministry when he was 17 years old. He answered God’s call and went to Bible college, took his degree and began to minister but, due to a misunderstanding in his own theology about the priorities of a personal relationship with God and traumas in his childhood, he was fired from the church he bled sweat and tears over for three years for being a workaholic. He made the leaders of the church crazy because he was a maniac out of control trying to do good things for God but at the cost of not resting and that was why he was let go. Two months later, he was on a plane to go to India. God used that trip to teach him the priority of His presence and he had seen enough of His presence in India. After thinking about all he had experienced with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he realized that he would just pursue the presence of God above and beyond everything else. That was the fruit he had been trying to nurture. When he realized all he had to do was pursue the presence of God, he found a level of freedom in Christ through that and he felt that he didn’t have to preach again.Global Hope India began as a by-product of Pastor Kevin/s pursuing the presence of God. He never wrote a business plan or anything like that, everything just came into place while Pastor Kevin had been pursuing the presence of God. Now, he had traveled to India 51 times, taking a thousand people with him and they had raised $6 million for their various projects. This is what Audacious Generosity is. This is the strategy of God, His mission is Jesus and His plan to accomplish that s through Audacious Generosity as seen in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”As more and more believers live with audacious generosity, we will see the great commission fulfilled. Being generous is a struggle, we all know that, especially during these hard times. That’s where Audacious Generosity comes into our life. This is an opportunity God has given each and every one of us and it is not about giving from us. It is about God giving through us and flipping it. Once we realize that giving is what God puts in our hands and all He is asking from us to do is make our hands available for the great commission, there is no limit to what He can do through us.All we have to do is open our hands and let God guide us into fulfilling the great commission. __________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Henry from Raleigh, North Carolina and married without children. He is a self-employed home improvement contractor and a master builder of luxurious million-dollar homes. For this episode, Henry shares how God captured his heart in a time of brokenness and immediately began to give him a spirit of generosity that led him to really begin to use what God has placed in his hands for the kingdom and for the mission of God.There was a time when he was having serious marital problems with his wife. During this time, a client who became a close friend of his invited him to church. He agreed only to quiet her as it’s been her fourth invitation. In his first service, their pastor preached about his issues and it hit him like a brick. He didn’t know then that he needed it badly and it was just such a welcoming feeling, a loving feeling that everyone who approached him was just so kind and open. Ever since then, he has never missed a service and he can’t get enough of God’s word.The Holy Spirit saw that he was primed for an intervention of our Heavenly Father into his life. The service opened his eyes, lifted the fog of anger surrounding him and finally gave him the clarity to let go. He went to his attorney and said to let his wife have everything. And that is what truly broke the whole spirit of division. What has happened to Henry is evidence, not only that there is God but that God’s strategy is audacious generosity because he went from “give me what is mine” to “let her have it all, I don’t want any of it, give it all to her”.He came here in North Carolina in 1999 with nothing but an air mattress, a dresser and his tools. They scrapped enough money for a down payment on a house and continued to strive financially. They had everything they could and now they didn’t know what they would do with it. He built their home without any intention of it being their forever dream home and there was a part of him that wondered if it was a waste, a home with no purpose, but everything changed after his first mission trip in India. They decided on a mission trip to India after many other suggested mission trips had to be declined due to scheduling conflict and it changed his life. While he got a culture shock when he came home, he asked God why He blessed them with so much when other people have so little and that was when it hit him that it’s the people that have so much art to reach out and help those with so little. That was when they opened their home to all those in need.They opened their home to people that were in financial difficulties, letting them stay with them for over a year so they can get back on their feet. Now, they were able to afford their own home. Henry and his wife also opened their home to church gatherings, wedding receptions, birthdays and other different occasions. He believes these people enjoy their home more than they do and they thank God because their home is not a waste. He blessed them with the stewardship of taking care of this home and, in turn, he and his wife blessed other people with the blessing they received from God.__________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
We continue where we left off from last episode in the excerpt from the book about asking God for more. Asking for God’s more is always more of Himself or more for Himself and this truth may seem disappointing at first but this truth will bring you freedom. We need material things to survive like money to pay the bills and food to prevent hunger. When we are alone or scared, we crave a physical hug from a live person, not just a Bible verse. To ask God is to ask for more of God. God’s greatest gift will always be his presence. Asking God for more is asking for more of God or more for God.We are taught not to be greedy. Pastor Kevin had even been taught that we can’t be Christians and ask God for more but God wants to redeem the word ‘more’. Nobody wants us to have more than God Himself. God’s more is always more of Himself or more for Himself. Wanting and having more is not selfish or sinful for what matters is where we find our more and what we do with it. That can be selfish and sinful but God wants you to remember above all else, God wants you to have more and the best way to do this is to understand all we can about God’s more.God’s more is conditional to our intent. God’s more starts and ends with God’s intention. God’s more is always to fulfill His purpose for His glory and it will always be conditional on our willingness to ask with a purity of intent. The whole idea is to set aparat God’s more for His glory. His blessings like his presence, peace and power to us are guaranteed. He trusted us with what we have so we may be willing to give it away for His purposes and for his glory. God wishes you to share what He has given you to others. It will be reckless when you consider what you and your loved ones need but please just do it. Setting God free and living recklessly for God is where you will begin to experience more from God than you ever thought possible. The more of Him we experience, the more of Him we receive. The more we have, the more we can give to others. The bible contains multiple stories of people who gave to others, thinking it will jeopardize their survival only for God to use it to bring their revival. Live recklessly for God and you will not only survive but you will thrive on the authority of God’s word.__________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
One of the verses that has always guided Pastor Kevin throughout his life is Ephesians 3:20 - 21: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”This verse presents an enormous problem in the world today for the vast majority of people following Jesus Christ are not waking up every single day, asking God for more. This is tackled in one chapter in the book, Audacious Generosity and Pastor Kevin shares an excerpt from that chapter in this episode about how he had been fired as the pastor by the leaders of the church and how that had broken him. He later realized that it was because he was a Christian who didn’t value or pursue the presence of God. He had misunderstood his identity in Christ and the ultimate reason for his existence. He wasn’t pursuing the presence of God in his life and it was when he was a Christian for over 20 years before he understood the value of God’s presence. During all that time, he had been begging God for more but wasn’t willing to accept that God’s greatest gift will always be more of his presence. The peace and power he wanted so badly was found in His presence.A few months after he was fired, God took him to India and changed his life. In India, he saw the value of God’s presence like never before. He committed before God that he would spend the rest of his life pursuing his presence and it brought him courage and freedom that has resulted in generosity. By asking God for more daily is to request God to do or give more. Asking God is not pressuring ourselves or others, asking God for more is accepting and taking action for God is a fountain that never runs dry. God has always wanted more for you and he is ready to give you more. So don’t be afraid to ask God for more adn to open your heart in accepting what He will give you. Ask for more everyday and let God guide you.Next episode we will be continuing this chapter from Audacious Generosity so we hope that you listen to that as well. __________________________The Audacious Generosity Podcast with Kevin White empowers listeners world-wide for limitless giving. Kevin showcases heart-warming stories of people from around the world as God works through them with audacious generosity to fulfill His mission. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of encouragement and discover how to experience, receive, and give more than you ever thought possible. More about Audacious Generosity.Meet Pastor Kevin: Twenty years ago, Kevin White needed food for his family. God said, “Feed others and your family will eat too.” Today the organization Kevin founded, With Love From Jesus Ministries continues to distribute millions of dollars a year in needed resources to high need populations. Kevin’s family never missed a meal, and Kevin went from barely surviving to thriving through Audacious Generosity. For ten years, Kevin has been the Founder/Executive Director of Global Hope India a mission organization to Indian Nationals. He’s traveled to India fifty times hosting a thousand people on mission trips. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have three adult children and one grandchild. They live in Cary, North Carolina. More about Pastor Kevin.Website: kevinwhite.usInstagram: @kevinwhiteusFacebook: @kevinwhite.usaTwitter: @kevinwhiteus LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteusEmail Kevin